Welcome to the CrashCube forum! The forum is a place for discussion about all things CubeSat, whether you’re a seasoned pro or just starting out.
Please keep discussion civil and relevant to the topic being discussed. If a topic doesn’t fit the post location, a moderator may move it to a new one if deemed pertinent. You are responsible for the content you post on the forums, ensure that anything you are posting does not violate any workplace or organizational non-disclosure agreements or ITAR or similar restrictions.
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Happy Orbiting!
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General & Other
General information and topics not covered by one of the other forums
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- 4 years, 1 month ago
Assembly, Integration, and Testing
Component and satellite level assembly, integration, and testing procedures and problems
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Collaboration & Competitions
A space for student groups to initiate collaboration and discuss competitions
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Deep Space
Challenges specific to CubeSats for deep space missions
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Electrical & Computers
Electrical and computer systems including power, computers and FPGAs, signalling, and communications
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Ground Segment
Pass planning, operations, and ground stations
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Mechanical & Thermal
Structures, vibration, thermal control, deployment and deployable systems
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Mission Design & Systems Engineering
Initial mission planning and definition, requirements, systems engineering, and budgets
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Orbits and Attitude Control
Orbital mechanics, simulation tools, attitude determination and control algorithms and hardware
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Optical, radio, science, and other types of payloads
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Cold gas, monopropellant, bipropellant, and electrical propulsion thrusters
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- 4 years, 1 month ago
Launch preparation, radio/telecom and remotes sensing licensing, and deorbit regulations
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Software (Analysis Tools)
Help with the tools of the trade, including STK, ANSYS, CST Studio, Visual Studio, etc.
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Software (Flight)
Flight software architecture, writing robust code, implementation on microcontrollers & FPGAs
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General & Other
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